A 1 second delay reduces customer satisfaction by 16%
We all know the old saying, time is money; it turns out that applies to your load speed time just as much! We’d all rather have a fast website than a slow website. But loading time is not just a matter of preference – it has a significant impact on a site’s success, too.

Fun fact about Pagespeed

79% of web shoppers who have trouble with website performance say they won’t return to the site again



We all know the old saying, time is money; it turns out that applies to your page load speed time just as much! To be clear — Page speed can be described in either "page load time" (the time it takes to fully display the content on a specific page) or "time to first byte" (how long it takes for your browser to receive the first byte of information from the web server).

We’d all rather have a fast website than a slow website. But loading time is not just a matter of preference – it has a significant impact on a site’s success, too. The longer a webpage takes to load, the more its bounce rate will soar. A high bounce rate tells search engines that users don’t find the page content useful, rankings can slip, and future customers will bounce.  To put things in perspective, here are a few facts about page peed and your users:
- 1 in 4 Visitors will abandoned a website that takes more than 4 seconds to load
- 46% of visitors don’t revisit poor performing websites
- 64% of shoppers who are unhappy with their site visit will shop somewhere else next time
- A 1 second delay reduces customer satisfaction by 16%

Page speed can be described in either "page load time" (the time it takes to fully display the content on a specific page) or "time to first byte" (how long it takes for your browser to receive the first byte of information from the web server)